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Excellent service

I just wanted to say many thanks for your excellent service. My last order arrived within 36 hours o ... (read more)
By Yvonne, Drumcondra, D.9.

Received everything in record time

I received all your products last week in record time. Everything is great, thank you. (read more)
By Vicki, Wicklow


Just wanted to say thanks for a great service. Package arrived yesterday. I am having a lot of back ... (read more)
By Wendy S.

Looking forward to easier breastfeeding

I am really happy with the items that I have purchased and I am telling everyone that I meet about t ... (read more)
By Susan W, Shannon, Co.Clare

I want to complement you on your website

I want to complement you on your website which has everything one could need at a very competitive p ... (read more)
By Louise Reynolds,

Your professionalism

I do applaud your professionalism and will relay same to my Breastfeeding buddies. (read more)
By Claire, Co.Kerry

What a fantastic service

Just wanted to say after a really stressful Christmas week I was delighted to receive my nursing cov ... (read more)
By Miranda H. Nolan

Speedy delivery

thanks Emer, my order arrived this morning. such speedy delivery once again, thanks for your efficie ... (read more)
By Sandra C.

Great top!

Great top! Thanks for a great service! (read more)
By Gillian B, Holland

Thank you

Thanks so much for the fab products which I received last week.....they'll make breast feeding much ... (read more)
By Ruth H.

Quality of the clothing

I was really impressed with the quality of the clothing, the value for money, the superfast delivery ... (read more)
By Lisa, Maynooth, Co Kildare

Your professionalism

I do applaud your professionalism and will relay same to my Breastfeeding buddies. (read more)
By Claire, Co.Kerry

A pleasure to deal with!

I just had my 3rd baby and it's a girl after 2 boys and I'm breast feeding with success this time. U ... (read more)
By Debbie Gleeson, Limerick

Boob are by far the best breastfeeding clothes

Hi. Thanks a million for my boob t-shirt and the boob warmer hoodie I got a few weeks ago. Boob are ... (read more)
By Siobhan Nestor


Very impressed with service. Received 2 sets of PJs today and delighted with quality and fit of the ... (read more)
By Testimonial by Vivienne, Dublin

Received everything in record time

I received all your products last week in record time. Everything is great, thank you. (read more)
By Vicki, Wicklow

What a fantastic service

Just wanted to say after a really stressful Christmas week I was delighted to receive my nursing cov ... (read more)
By Miranda H. Nolan

Peanut Shell Sling

Just a quick mail to thank you for the lovely sling - please see attached - we had a endless feeding ... (read more)
By Alan Coleman

Great service

Just wanted to thank you for the excellent customer service. My package arrived almost immediately, ... (read more)
By Maire S.


Received the dress and bra today - both great. Particularly impressed that the dress looks as good i ... (read more)
By Aoife B., Co. Cork

The best site for nursing moms

Both times I have ordered products from you I couldn't fault the magnificent service. Speedy service ... (read more)
By Anne Hoctor


Received the dress and bra today - both great. Particularly impressed that the dress looks as good i ... (read more)
By Aoife B., Co. Cork

Well dressed

Thank you so much I received my order today and love them. Now I can feel well dressed and feed my b ... (read more)
By Mairead Wynne

Review of Yummy mummy top

Thanks a million for the very fast arrival of the Yummie Tummie nursing vest. Its just brilliant. No ... (read more)
By Nicola O'Byrne IBCLC

Testimonial by Catherine

Fantastic service. Placed order on Sun and received on Tues. Sent some items back to exchange (my po ... (read more)
By Catherine Rea


First I want to say how impressed I am with both the service you provide and with the tops I have re ... (read more)
By Ann McEvoy

Thank you

Thanks so much for the fab products which I received last week.....they'll make breast feeding much ... (read more)
By Ruth H.

Everything is great

Thanks a lot, I've received my parcel this morning! everything is great! (read more)
By Diane, Paris

Peanut Shell Sling

Just a quick mail to thank you for the lovely sling - please see attached - we had a endless feeding ... (read more)
By Alan Coleman


Thank you so much for your help getting a dress to me in time for my little one's christening. Don't ... (read more)
By Marie

Write a Testimonial

Breast feeding

Breast feeding

Why is breastfeeding best for my baby?

* Breastfeeding is uniquely suited to meet both the physical and emotional needs of your baby. At your breast, your baby will find the perfect nourishment for his growing body, as well as the love and security he needs for his healthy development.
* Breast milk provides an important source of immune factors. The breastfed baby receives antibodies through his mother's milk. Breast milk also contains living cells that act against bacteria in the infant's stomach.
* Breastfed babies have fewer respiratory illnesses. They even have fewer colds. Breastfed babies are less likely to get serious illnesses like bronchitis and pneumonia.
* Breastfed babies have fewer allergies. When compared with formula feeding, total breastfeeding for six months results in a lower incidence of allergies. Breastfed babies are less likely to be troubled by eczema and nappy rash.
* Breast milk protects against illness. Breastfed babies have less gastro-enteritis, less vomiting, fewer ear infections, and fewer hospital admissions than bottle-fed infants.

Why is breastfeeding best for me?

* Breastfeeding encourages bonding. Breastfeeding provides a rich emotional experience for both mother and baby, reinforcing their need to be together. Frequent breastfeeding means lots of skin to skin contact and lots of time spent getting to know one another.
* Breast milk helps to keep baby happy and content. Because breast milk is easily digested, breastfed babies are less likely to be troubled by wind and stomach upsets. The frequent contact with their mothers through breastfeeding helps them to feel secure.
* Breast milk needs no preparation. It is always available at the right temperature. Breastfeeding is ideal for travelling and for night feeds.
* Breastfeeding helps you get back in shape. Breastfeeding makes it easier to shed the extra pounds put on during pregnancy, because the demands of milk production use up extra energy.

Facts about breastfeeding:

* Mothers milk cannot be duplicated because, in reality, no two mothers produce identical milk. Even the milk of an individual mother varies from day to day and during different times of the day - just as other fluids and systems in our bodies fluctuate.
(Harzer,G: Changing patterns of human milk lipids in the course of lactation and during the day. AM J Clin Nutr 1983; 37:612-21.)
* Human milk contributes to higher intelligence and improved motor development later in life. At age 7½ to 8 years, even when adjusted for confounding factors such as parental education, socio-economic status, gender and the need for mechanical ventilation, children who had received human milk as premature babies scored an average 8.3 points higher on IQ tests than children who had been fed formula. (Lucas 1992) In another study, of full term babies, long term intelligence and improved motor development directly correlated with duration of breastfeeding. (Lucas, A et al. Breastmilk and subsequent intelligence quotient in children born preterm. Lancet 1992; 339:261-64. Rogan, W. and Gladen, B. Breastfeeding and cognitive development. Early Human Dev 1993; 31:181-93.)
* Breastfeeding mothers talk to, touch and interact more with their babies. Studies show that they also respond more quickly to their babies cries and are more affectionate towards their babies. (Virden,S.F. The relationship between infant feeding method and maternal role adjustment. J Nurs Midwif 1988;33(1):31-35.)
* Research has shown that breastfed children are less susceptible to dental cavities than their bottle-fed counterparts and are less likely to need orthodontic treatments. (Labbok, M.H., Hendershot, G.E.: Does breastfeeding protect against malocclusion? An analysis of the 1981 Child Health Supplement to the National Health Interview Survey. Am J Prev Med 1987;3 (4):227-232
* There is evidence that both in the developing and developed world, breastfeeding protects against gastro-enteritis. A recent study (Howie P.W. 1990) concluded that breastfeeding during the first 13 weeks of life confers protection against gastrointestinal illness for up to one year of age. (Howie, P.W. et al. B M J 1990;300:11-16)

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